The parish of St. Michael the Archangel is a wonderfully warm community of faithful Christians
who look forward to greeting you personally.
If you are planning a trip to the Finger Lakes region, please join us.
If you live in the Geneva area, and are looking for Christian fellowship and worship
in the ancient traditions of the New Testament Church,
then you are more than welcome to explore the Orthodox Faith with us.
"As it is impossible to verbally describe the sweetness of honey to one who has never tasted honey,
so the goodness of God cannot be clearly communicated by words alone;
if we desire to know the goodness of the God, we must do so by our own experience"
-- St. Basil the Great (Conversations on the Psalms, 29)
We would be overjoyed to have you join us in worship of our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ.
“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man who trusteth in Him.” (Psalms 34:8)